During this time of continued remote and hybrid learning many teachers are leaning on technology tools for insight into how students are using technology during classtime, whether they are learning at home or in the classroom. Having access to this insight is important for understanding students’ screen time, how they are using devices, apps, and websites, and to ensure that students aren’t falling behind due to distracted learning. Even more important, is ensuring that if there are problems with student behavior or use of technology during class, teachers have the ability to share this information with parents or school administrators.
This week on The Dyknow Digest, we’re answering a question submitted by Laura Jacobsen and providing information on how K-12 teachers can view student history, pull activity reports, and share these reports using Dyknow. Not a Dyknow user? Start Your Free Trial Today!
The Question:
“I would love to have a better understanding of how to pull reports on individual students and what they are accessing. Is it possible to send reports to parents to show what their students are doing?“
– Laura Jacobsen
View Student History Reports in Dyknow
Viewing Class History in Dyknow is one of the most impactful features that the tool offers. Teachers and technology teams alike have the ability to view class history for monitoring sessions for the entire class, a few students, or a single student and drill down based on certain criteria that they want information on. It’s important to remember that student device activity is automatically collected during monitoring sessions in Dyknow. This begins as soon as a Dyknow Teacher clicks the “Start Monitoring” button and stops when he/she clicks the “End Monitoring” button. Each website visited and application used by monitored students is stored in Dyknow’s Class History section.
This article will outline how teachers can view class history for an individual student and filter that information based on a date range, activity, or nature of browsing.
Navigate to Class History in Dyknow
In order to view Class History data for a single student, teachers first need to login to Dyknow and go to the “My Classes” dashboard. From there, teachers have teo options for navigating to Class History.
First, teachers can click the “Class History” tab on the top menu. This is a great option if you are looking to get an activity report for a student who is in multiple classes of yours.
Alternatively, if you only want activity for a student from a certain class period, you can click the “Class History” hyperlink for the class you want to review.
View Class History data for a single student
Once teachers are in Class History, they can select the individual student they would like to view activity for by clicking the “Students” menu and selecting the name of that student.
Once teachers are viewing the student they want, they need to decide what properties (if any) they want to filter by. Teachers can filter Class History data in three ways: by date range, activity type, and the nature of activity.
To filter by date, just click the “Date” menu and select one of the pre-set date range options, set a custom date range, or just select one day.
To filter by activity type, click the “Activity” menu and select either websites or applications.
Then teachers can choose if they want to view “Allowed” activity – meaning websites or applications that were not blocked during class, or “Blocked” activity – meaning websites that were blocked during class.
The additional filtering within Dyknow Class History gives teachers the ability to drill in on specific data from student activity to understand that activity on a deeper level. Teachers can then use these reports to discuss activity trends with students, parents, and administrators.
Share Student History Reports from Dyknow
Many teachers are interested in going a step further to easily and effectively send class history reports to parents or other stakeholders who might want to see that information. Although there is no way to export or download Class History reports for a student, teachers can print or save these reports as a PDF file
Print student history reports
Printing the reports is an effective way to have a hard copy of the report for your files, share it with a colleague in the building, use it to show that student, or send it home with students to give to their parents. However, printing these reports is not as conducive to the current environment of remote learning that we are currently in.
Save student history reports
In order to share these reports electronically from a distance, teachers can save student history reports as PDF files. To do this, just click the “Print” button and choose to “Save as a PDF” rather than print. This enables teachers to have an electronic copy so that they can share it with others via email or other methods when necessary.
Distance and hybrid learning have created environments where teachers are not always confident that students are engaged, where they need to be, and learning effectively with technology. Dyknow’s Class History feature enables teachers to gain the insight and they need to feel confident that they can address student behavior that may be contributing to a lack of engagement and reinforce good behavior of students.
Get Class History for your classroom with Dyknow for free!
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