Dyknow Blog
Helpful articles, webinars, and resources curated by the Dyknow team with Teachers, Tech Coaches and Administrators in mind.

How To Set Yourself Up for a Leadership Role in Education
The best K-12 environments have strong leaders within their district to set the tone for their community. To create a successful K-12 alignment, educators need to have some sort of connection or alliance with one another. Core values center the focus for a lot of...

Tips to Close the Digital Divide with Remote Learning
The digital divide is at a crossroads within the educational world. At this moment whilst schools across the country are implementing technical and virtual instruction, the digital divide can either increase or decrease. Educators have a great opportunity to combat an...

How to Promote Digital Citizenship with SEL during Remote Learning
Teaching good digital citizenship during remote learning is a big priority for many teachers this school year. With many classes being taught remotely or in a hybrid environment, teachers have an even bigger responsibility to teach and promote good digital citizenship...

Closing the Digital Divide with Sean Coffron
On this episode of Tackling Tech Podcast, powered by Dyknow, Brett McGrath invites back Sean Coffron, Instructional Technology Training Specialist, back to talk about digital citizenship, classroom management, and closing the digital divide. Sean shares his...

3 Tips to Remain Positive during Remote Learning
After nearly a semester of remote learning and many schools continuing to conduct the Fall semester remotely, it can be tough for educators to remain positive. Many educators conducted emergency remote learning due to COVID-19 with the hope that they would be back in...

3 Priceless Opportunities That Have Come from Remote Learning
Remote learning has become the new normal for most schools. The effects of remote learning have been vast and with the prospect of going back to the classroom in the future, teachers now have some time to reflect on the opportunities that have come out of remote...

Leading with Project-Based Learning as a Classroom Teacher and K-12 Leader
All new kinds of learning styles have emerged over the past few years. As K-12 education moves towards more progressive learning approaches schools have adapted to a learning style called project-based learning. We recently spoke with Education Coach, Adjunct...