Dyknow Blog
Helpful articles, webinars, and resources curated by the Dyknow team with Teachers, Tech Coaches and Administrators in mind.
Being an Education #ChangeMaker with Seth Fewell
On this episode of Tackling Tech, Tierra Leustig and EdTech Specialist, Seth Fewell, reflect on the year anniversary of schools’ immediate switch to remote learning. Seth is a passionate #ChangeMaker; he wants technology in the new normal to lesson teacher’s workload...
Remote Learning Recap Vol. 2: Challenges, Changes, & Advice
This week we are continuing our remote learning recap on the Tackling Tech Podcast. In the continuation of this special compilation episode, eleven guests from the last four months are featured talking about the challenges, changes, and advice that have come about...
How to Enhance Your Flipped Learning Initiative with Dyknow
Technology integration in K-12 education has completely transformed what a typical classroom once looked like. Learning styles are drastically and rapidly changing to adapt to this new wave of technology integration, especially following a period of remote learning....
How to Keep Students On-Task and Increase Student Engagement with Blended Learning
With the uncertainty of what next semester will bring, many schools are considering a new learning style that has completely changed K-12 classrooms, blended learning. Blended learning intertwines the traditional face-to-face teaching style with the use of...
What is Blended Learning?
In recent years, constant changes and enhancements to technology have prompted educators to progressively integrate technology into K-12 classrooms. One outcome of this growing technology integration is new, emerging progressive learning styles - particularly that of...
How To Use Blended Learning to Maintain a Work-Life Balance
The blended learning model is revolutionizing K-12 classrooms. Teachers can use blended learning to help maintain their work-life balance, especially while practicing remote learning as blended learning intertwines traditional teaching with the use of technology. This...
Remote Learning Recap: What we’ve learned and where we go
This week we are doing a remote learning recap on the Tackling Tech Podcast. In this special compilation episode, ten guests from the last four months are featured with their advice to K-12 educators and Tech Coaches during this unprecedented time of COVID-19. They...