Dyknow Blog
Helpful articles, webinars, and resources curated by the Dyknow team with Teachers, Tech Coaches and Administrators in mind.

The Secret to Effective Professional Development
On this episode of Tackling Tech, Tierra interviews Eric Griffith, the Director of Media and Training at Mobile Technical Services based in Ohio. Eric shares how he conducts effective professional development training and advises teachers on integrating technology...

9 EdTech Tools Every Integrated Classroom Needs in 2021
Finding the right edtech tool that fits the needs of your students and classroom can be hard. Especially during remote learning, integrating new technology can be lengthy and challenging to master. We compiled a list of edtech tools that every integrated classroom...

These K-12 Educators Love Using Dyknow for Remote and Hybrid Device Monitoring
As the 2021 spring semester begins K-12 educators are diving headfirst into remote and hybrid device monitoring to improve student engagement. K-12 educators are looking for tools to accomplish the device monitoring needs that remote and hybrid learning demand....

How to Use Podcasts in the K-12 Classroom
A massive trend that has hit the technology world is podcasting. As defined by dictionary.com podcasting is, “the practice of using the Internet to make digital recordings of broadcasts available for downloading to a computer or mobile device.” Podcasts have become...

Why Now is the Time to Drive Innovation in K-12 Classrooms with Adam Welcome
On this episode on Tackling Tech, powered by DyKnow, Tierra interviews Adam Welcome, an Elementary Principal, speaker, consultant, author, and former teacher, and Director of Innovation. Adam shares how students and teachers can utilize podcasting in the classroom....

Dyknow: More Than Just Device Monitoring
Schools with successful 1:1 device programs know that monitoring student devices is one of the most important ways to ensure that devices are used to enhance learning. More importantly, these schools also know that in order to truly transform learning, teachers must...

5 Tips for Effective Teacher/Tech Coach Communication for the Spring 2021 Semester
Strong communication is the utmost important way for overall effectiveness of teams and groups. In an educational setting, communication is one of the ways that educators are able to rely on each other, create relationships, and share thoughts and ideas on ways to...